I haven't watched that many horror movies but I always thought Stephen Kings "It" was scary. It was simple, yet it made me nearly cry for my Mother when I first watched it when I was young. It's only a clown... but that "smile" and laugh still makes my hair on the back of my neck rise.
buy seriously, a movie that really scared me was...shit i forgot what i was called
anyway it was the one with the ghost girl who had a white mask on and took the kids last tooth and would scratch you to death if you saw her. i know, it was really stupid and made me laugh only at the ending, cause they ruined it when they show you her face. but the beginning where you hear that noise, and the shadow, and you see her mask for like a split second, that freaked me out. i couldnt sleep for like a week
another one was signs, but again they ruined it when they showed you the alien, i have a fear for aliens, dont ask me why. just the little green men, not the big freaky ones with tentacles and 7 eyes and shit
mothman prophecis was also pretty freaky, cause it was like true, and the night i saw it, i listened to a radio station at like 12 that told about real monster sightings and ghosts and aliens and shit. and they were talking about the mothman, and people who saw it, and they said it was like a giant bird, or something
anyway i know ive seen scarier ones, but that all i can think of
i think that first one i said would've been scarier at the end, but i was elbow deep in my girlfriend biggrin: