Wow not only has it been 100 years to the day that the age of flight has been around but it is my 1 year anniversary to this forum!... cry: I feel soo....I dont know....overcome with joy that I havent been banned, deleted, or flamed too much. I just have to say To all those who have survived as long as I. good job To those who have been lost, too bad(simo WR)
we sure have come a long way since 1903,
from rickety wood and fabric planes that fly about a football field and then crash to passengee liners that can carry 400 people across the Pacific unrefueled, supersonic fighter jets that can fly twice the speed of sound or perform amazing aerobatics at low speed, vertical takeoff aircraft, and many more.
yep. not to mention the moon in like what....66 years? Imagine that not being able ot fly to being able to go to the moon in 66 years. damn. its almost mind boggeling