Need a website cause I really suck at making websites. -
06-12-2004, 04:01 PM
I don't know whether to put this in General Discussion or the Maps mods and skins forum so correct me on where to put it if I messed up.
I need a website to put skins on and post them for download on there, I tried myself but I SUCK AT IT!! So if anyone wants to do one for me (it doesn't have to be a site you or I have to pay for) it would be much appreciated cause I have like, 7 - 10 skins that are just rotting away.
black widow if you're just looking for a site to host your skins and aren't experienced at making websites than you can go to . they have a novice feature so you don't really have to do a thing except fill some info out, choose from their default templates and you upload them and that's about it. is good also. if you want an actual nice lookin' site for your skins i can work on one for you.