You know, i can stand to see a man shot in the face, or have his head blown completly off. But that... that, i cant even finish watching that. something horribly wrong about the wrong thing. maybe a differant method, but... how... it makes those squeeky noises.
thats fuckin sick. i couldnt finish the video. wtf do people have against peta anyways, they bitch about animal rights just as much as hunters bitch about gun ownership and hunting.
thats fuckin sick. i couldnt finish the video. wtf do people have against peta anyways, they bitch about animal rights just as much as hunters bitch about gun ownership and hunting.
thats fuckin sick. i couldnt finish the video. wtf do people have against peta anyways, they bitch about animal rights just as much as hunters bitch about gun ownership and hunting.