k, i went to stvsss and we found some writing on the wall, it apperad to be in code. wvwn though we are master detectivesa nd have pispes we cant igure it out. help us plz we are gonan be in the one for a while by the looks of it. why do yo uask?> well becasue your deep in my shit bitcvh
hoyl shit thanks ninty, you are truly bnriiiliant in the arts of finding mysterys if you were this giod that finfdind thie pants oytu had ysterda indftarhde ofth eesnack that was ywrstderasdyt lucjh then oyu would nt have forrgoten it to brinf it to work and your finnal ecxam is tommoroer wand oyu dont have a luch wft atre you ggnana do if oyu odnt joyu the exam is goona be super hard when you dont have any nutrtiojn so i suggest oyu get a samndwich ot bri ng to hte nocnvetign wuhtwtrer your good freidns will giveyou anakl wiht ouwe perscriptions