downloaded and watched last night ... one of the more entertaining flicks ive seen recently ... i would probably pay to see this one in theatres. plus, im really starting to like looking at kate hudson.
plus, im really starting to like fapping at kate hudson.
Seen a couple previews for it, but didnt peek my interest. Glad you liked it though.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
i saw it and thought it was ok. damn, she is so freakin hot in that movie, i never knew she had a body like that. the movie was kinda cheasy and there werent any scary parts, they just tried to keep you in suspense. only part worth seeing is hudson in her bed and when you see the sides of her tits. otherwise, i wouldnt recommend anyone to pay to see it.
on another note i also saw the aristocrats, it was so boring, after an hour i wanted to get up and leave. the joke isnt even that funny no matter how many times you improvise it. fuckin waste of money - dont see it. not even amount of comics in the movie makes it worth while. only good part was when trey parker and matt stone had cartman tell the joke.
The movie was terrible. Not a big fan of Horror movies and this is a reason why. There wasnt anything scary about it. The ghost had no relevance to the plot except that they taught the children to cast that spell...but that was when they were alive. Only saving grace was kate hudson in skimpy panties and shower scene.
i liked it quite a bit ... i guess if you were hoping to see something a long the lines of 'the ring' you probably got disappointed ... the story was pretty awesome ... and i really had no idea what exactly was going on until the ending.
on another note i also saw the aristocrats, it was so boring, after an hour i wanted to get up and leave. the joke isnt even that funny no matter how many times you improvise it. fuckin waste of money - dont see it. not even amount of comics in the movie makes it worth while. only good part was when trey parker and matt stone had cartman tell the joke.
wtf is the joke anyway? been curious about that. PM if you don't want to spoil.
aristocrats, it was so boring, after an hour i wanted to get up and leave. the joke isnt even that funny no matter how many times you improvise it. fuckin waste of money - dont see it. not even amount of comics in the movie makes it worth while. only good part was when trey parker and matt stone had cartman tell the joke.