I had my wisdom teeth out two days ago. They couldn't put me under because I can't have anesthesia in an office setting because I have a history of asthma. SO basically they gave me three valiums, nitrous oxide, and novacaine so I was awake but I could only feel/hear pulling, prying and cracking. So far it hasn't been that bad, except my family got fried chicken the other day and I couldn't eat any. Now I'm on oxycodone and penicillin. The only thing I don't know is how long it is gonna take for them to heal because I'm planning on buying a hookah but I don't wanna get it until my teeth sockets fully heal....
For anyone else who has had their wisdom teeth out, how long did it take for you to get back to 100%?
do not use a hookah, do not use a straw, do not smoke (anything) it will cause something called dry socket. You do not want this. Any sucking (leave it alone) will cause the cavity to get dry socket. Trust me on this
The doctor when I got my root canal wanted me to get an appointment to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I really should since they are impacted but I said FUCK YOU cause the pain stopped after I got the root canal.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
I think I only have one wisdom tooth. . . and I doesn't have to be pulled because my braces are making it come straight... or something. I don't know. oOo:
Had mine yanked with only a local anesthesia and right after the proceedure, i treated myself to a huge pancake breakfast at "House of Pancakes" parked right across the street from the dentist.