too bad its a no name non licensed game. they still dont have the NFLPA license
not sure if its even old pro's or what
"there will be late hits, improved artificial intelligence that mimics humans, and, as some had suspected, NFL legends. The familiar 1-100 sports rating system has also been abandoned in favor of what he says is a "+/- rating."
However, the real point of contention is the ability to customize the game's rosters. Because 2K does not have a deal with the NFL, All-Pro will not feature current NFL players. A portion of the magazine scan says, "You won't be able to recreate NFL teams or players. 'I've decided a long time ago we're not doing that,' says Jeff [Thomas of developer Visual Concepts]. '[That option] is not in the game, and people gotta be aware of that right now.'" Badboy49er later says that the article does not go into detail about the game's customization. " ... es;title;1
its basically a nicer version of BLITZ. so this game will sell like shit
people want the NFL not some fake assleague