So after Zone mentioned Machine Head covering Metallica's Battery, I was searching youtube for videos of different covers. I came across a bunch of Kerrang videos that were part of a cover cd. Kerrang put out a cover cd of Master of Puppets. Metallica is my favorite band of all time, so I was really interested in hearing a lot of these covers. So, if interested, check it out.
ja i have it somewhere, but disgraceful they let fightstar cover one, they are a cuntish "post hardcore" band only famous because they have a member who was part of a boy band in them.
orion> anything
remember when they played orion live last year at donington, well actually they played the whole master of puppets album live, fucking owned rock:
Dream Theater covered a lot of full cds live...Master of Puppets was one of them...they also did Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast...LaBrie's singing never did any of them justice...
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
Battery and MoP were the only two covers I liked...the rest weren't that good...and the welcome home cover was terrible. I can play the solo's better than that.
Battery and MoP were the only two covers I liked...the rest weren't that good...and the welcome home cover was terrible. I can play the solo's better than that.
i thought the guitar was pretty good for sanitarium....but definitely not the vocals, they were fucking horrible.