My computer has the same problem
It didnt do it at first, then like a month later it started
I wanted Americas Army so i got an GF4 MX 420(I have no AGP slot) and it didnt crash like it did...
but the vid card caused "conflicts" and the computer rarely worked...

I took the vidcard out and the computer worked but the game crashed again
But when it WAS in I had max graphics and it didnt crash anymore so, my conclusion is, its something to do with the graphics card but u never know
on a minor note...
this is what i wanna do to my HPcomputer, well, this among other things...
swordfight: fire1: fire2: M16: zooka: bigzooka: eatthis:
any one know how to drop kick a computer tell me, if u dont give me a baseball bat... evil: