10-10-2002, 06:05 PM
Rules are rules but...
About an hour ago, I was at the counter of our information window. A young lady had filed for unemployment and for whatever reason she hasnt been paid for 3 weeks. She's currently on the streets, or homeless (she came in with someone with a beatup truck, who didn't seem overly concerned, but whatever hes getting sex so what does he care right), and is more than likely a runaway at 19.
Anywho, she didnt have a claim form to resubmit for monies, and was wondering why she wasn't getting her check. You could tell she did drugs but she was lucid despite being shaky (maybe from malnutrition). She was getting frustrated because (not suprisingly) she wasn't getting the information she wanted from a rep who more than likely just gave her some generic information. I spoke with her, and get a rep to actually sit down with her and talk to her.
This didn't go well either, and the girl started to break down and cry. She then told the rep who was helping her...
"You could have saved my life...remember my face, you're going to see it every night in your nightmares after I hurt myself".
Then left in horrid tears. They stayed in the beatup truck in the parking lot for about 30 minutes, and I had out security watch them both.
Anyway, yea I hate my job sometimes.