Did anybody notice anything screwy with that new Barnes bio? -
10-18-2002, 02:53 PM
I did:
Jack Barnes, born Jack Cameron Barnes, from North Dakota. Jack joined the Army in 1942, at the age of 24. Upon hearing the possibilities of a newly formed regiment, he was moved to Toccoa, Georgia and activated along with his other counterparts as the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment (501 PIR). Training and preparation culminated in the early morning hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944. The 501st PIR, along with the 101st Airborne and the British 6th parachuted behind the Atlantic wall to secure highways, railways and bridges – from Arnhem to the Willemsvaart Canal. This corridor was known as “Hell’s Highway”.
Ok, first of all, I was under the impression that this was the Barnes from Frontline. Now I'm not so sure. Unless I'm mistaken, the Fl Barnes was in the 82nd AB. However, this says he's in the 501st PIR, which is part of the 101st. That's not the important part though.
Everything else seems to make sense until you get to the culmination of his training part. Why does it combine Overlord and Market-Garden? MG isn't even in Spearhead. Nobody parachuted anywhere near Arnhem on June 6, 1944. What's up with that?