Searching for a Web Designer - $$ involved -
10-15-2002, 06:16 PM
The 203rd Airborne is looking for someone who can help us create a solid, functional website which will meet the unique needs of our clan. We are willing to pay, we just have to find someone to pay. If you are interested, please e-mail me at with your name, contact info, and an example of a site you've designed in the past. Look forward to speaking with you,
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
Wellps, is my site, I'm also hosting the forum. I'd do it w/o pay even, but unfotunately, A: I'm hella bogged down with other sites. B:.... I dunno :P Couldnt pay me because I'm only 15 anyways. If you would have asked like... 3 days earlier I could have done it cry:
Thank you everyone for all the response I've received from the community. My inbox has been innundated with emails of people offering help at prices from $300 to free. We've actually stumbled upon one of our own who happens to be quite gifted with html, so we have that covered. We are, however, still looking for a graphic designer to do some graphics for the pages. If you're interested, my inbox is open and waiting ( or just reply here. Thanks,
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
Im good with php/cgi/some cold fusion. Also very good with adobe photoshop 7 (graphic design) Flash/Fireworks MX, and have UBER html skills. Probably wont do it for free unless its just a few simple graphics/splash pages.