10-21-2002, 11:21 AM
Sonic, we have probably gone over this a buzillion times but once again.. theres a formula for how many players your bandwidth can handle.
Heres one version of it: #players x MaxRate x 8 = upload speed.
Here is what you have: 10 x 8000 x 8 = 640k. Now you say your upload speed is 384k, do you see the problem???
Yea I know, "well it worked before!". That just means you probably had more upload speed before and your isp has finally added more subscribers and your bandwidth has dropped into its "normal" speed range.
Normal Cable/DSL connections will only support about 6 players max.
You need to test your upload to see exactly what you are getting on average and then apply the formula. If you actually have 384k then, 384k/8 = 48k, now you have to decide whether to drop your maxRate so you can get more players or have less players and a quality game.
48k = 8 players x 6000 maxRate
48k = 6 players x 8000 maxRate.
Thats it! I use a ded server on my home cable for testing maps/skins and I have seen this WAY too often also.