This guy IM's me and so im like whatever i'll talk im bored. Then the fucker goes on asking if im gay and wants to see my picture. So i say i dont have one, which is true, why the hell do i need one, i have mirrors. So he tries to send me his picture... twice. Finally i closed the window. THen he comes back with this:
Location: Germany, screaming profanities at the Krauts
10-23-2002, 06:00 PM
That's why I don't use AIM, ICQ, or none of that stuff. People can just surf your name and shit. I just use MSN. It's a lot harder for random people to IM you, because they need your e-maill address, etc. I haven't had ANY weird people contact me like that. I just have all my friends, clan members, etc. on there and that's it.
I dont think he knows my name since i dont have any profile info in AIM. His info didnt have anything either. That and a few other people are claiming "strikes" by the fag. I also have it set where it dosnt let people know im availbile to chat. So i guess he somehow found my AIM name. I've since removed it from any where i can re-call making it public.