Remaining time does not display.. how to get it back -
10-23-2002, 06:01 PM
At my first MoHaa install the time was displayed in the right upper corner,
after a format and a reinstall i can't get the time to display in objective matches.
No custom huds, scopes, mods or anything (only custom maps)
This is very anoying... i search and tryed different things but nithing worked.
I was mucking around in the console one day and didn't notice that the timer had vanished!
The next time I went to look at it, it was gone! I have no idea what I did. I was seeing what the commands do in console but unfortunately I fudged the timer up. hake: no good at all
Of course i have patch 1.11 installed but still no clock...
i'm starting to put things n my config wich i don't understand (and don;t work)
hud_timelimit & ui_timemessage ... no effects...
Thanks for your reaction bazooka Joe, but re-installing is a n00b solution NOFI.... most things can be fixed if you try hard enough.. And i'm really trying.
It's seams that nobody know the answer, even EA doesn't know anything.
(i got reply to the e-mail... and they said i played maps without time... some st*p*d database chick who doesn't know where i am talking about)
Please give me the solution or point me into the direction...