Don't understand please help me -
10-26-2002, 12:51 PM
I download stalingradfull.pk3 but i can not play it.Put it in the main folder.
I,m a newbie about this,but when i use the console and select stalingrad it say that the file is not found,What do I wrong???
Correct me if i'm wrong but I believe you are trying to play an MP map. Go intp multi-player, and launch a TDM or an OBJ game, when you get to choose which levels, look for stalingrad in the drop down menu.
Location: Silently Stalking You! Did you See That? No, it must Be a Ghost!
10-26-2002, 01:14 PM
You might want to go into your main folder and see, when you extracted it, that its not in it's own folder. If that's the case just open the folder and extract the Pk3 alone.
thanxx for the reply,you are right its a multiplayermap,second question,,,can i play this like a single player,and when a'm downloading a file how can I see which one is Multiplayer or Single player.
Well you can play it as an SP map but you wont have fun for there arent any bots. when downloading from this site they make it pretty clear if it is MP or SP. Most maps are MP (like 99%).
I'm working on a full fledged SP map called POWCamp.... I'm still in the mapping phase, and then I add bots n junk. If its a hit I'll release it as an MP map.