There will be new weapons and maps. Along with a "tug a war" game style of play. Basically the map rotates up or down depending on which side won/lost the map. Better concept than game play idea personally. I do not beieve there will be vehicles or planes. We are going to get a portable MG 42 which appears it maybe in multiplayer.
As for the non expansion servers. I think there will be two .exe's. One that will run regular Mohaa and one that will launch the expansion. So which ever you click on will be the one you'll be playing.
It will definatly be a worth while expansion pack. I dont know if i'd risk my health to play it online though.
well I never really play the home game. Lost interest after Omaha Beach. Shoot bots is really just a push the right buttons in the right sequence in the right time kind of puzzle and gets a bit old after a while.
So I am not sure if the expansion pack will be of much use to me if it is not really effecting online game play.
But this tug of war game style sounds very interesting. WHAT do you mean the map goes up and down? Literally, like a steep hill, taking the high ground kind of thing?