I'm thinking of getting the Lasik eye surgery sometime early next year. Can anyone share their experience with it? I've heard good things and bad things.
I'm thinking of getting the Lasik eye surgery sometime early next year. Can anyone share their experience with it? I've heard good things and bad things.
my Chem teacher had too get it re-done like 3 times because they fucked up the first time.
Yo, I seriously hope they succeed with their permanent contact lense tests
because that could be a solution: if someone's gonna cut my eye open, it
might as well be to stick my prescription in once and for all, provided the
fucker stays constant and doesn't change. After all, the eye can only change
shape so much over time (astygmatism for me)... I fukn' hope. cry:
I only started needing glasses a couple of months ago (at 21) and even
then, I can go well without them if it's not for fine print (and even then!)
so I hope it stays the same for a while: I saw what some of my friends see
when they don't have corrective lenses on and it ain't pretty... cry:
It really all depends how old you are and your insurance. Mine covers one eye exam every two years so if my prescription changes I get new glasses then! cool:
my uncle ahd the laser eye surgery done. if you do i i highkly sggest going to some place hwere you pay more but get a better job done. my uncle had to have one redone but now i think its good. someone i know from church had it done and it got worse. its a risk, id rather wear glasses then have it done. well if i had to have glasses.
i haven't changed prescriptions but i have changed glasses a lot. seems that getting really drunk increases the chances of you either losing or destroying your glasses. go figure.
my cousin had lasik done once and has 20/20 now. i plan on having it done sometime in the next couple years.
I have -3.5 in the left and -3.0 in the right. I can hardly see anything without my contacts. Just got my prescription changed about a year ago. My eyesight isn't changing that much, so I don't think i'll have to change it much anymore.