I'm giving you the chance to humiliate me and embarrass me and make me feel one inch tall by NOT replying to this! That'll mean the "Replies" column out there will carry a great big 0 in it next to my name and topic down through the ages ! Let's just see if any of you hotshots has the willpower not to dive for your keyboards to rattle off a witty riposte !
still I would love to see Drury and Conroy take the lead and if Iginla does ahve en Ego it will be leveled out ands then placing them all on the same line next year again and pull numbers like the Korolev-Lemieux-Morozov line of the penguins.
ninty and pyro did u see drury's goal against new jersey on tuesday night..that was some fucking |337 shit he pulled..grabbin it with his glove..spinning and flippin the backhand back over broduers shoulder...OWNED