use the quick save....
find out where they are and quickload, then blow their brains out!
If you go to <A></A> and click walkthroughs, then sniper town or were ever your stuck. For sniper town there is a birds eye map of the place, with all the snipers possitions. Thats how I did it!!!!!! It's Great!!!!!!!!!!!! Try it.
It's quite difficult I must admit, but I did it by Trial and Error.
After killing those guys in the first house you will find that there is this last sniper that cant be seen. To find that pr*ck check your compass when your shot, it tells you where you were shot from then pile you bullets in his face!!!!!!!
Oh... and watch out out for the yellow guy on the roof opposite the first building you enter. He's an ace. oh, and save your grenades. There's a Tank later in the level.