Installing a new video card help! -
11-09-2002, 09:53 PM
Im losing my old skool gf2 mx! cry: and installing my gf 4 ti 4200 now evil: I just need some help. How do i go by installing this puppy. Do i just yank out the old one and plugg in the new one. Or what?
Yeah but unplug your PC and stuff it is quite easy. If you think you could screw up then take it to where you know pros will do it and it should cost no more than $50 but that is the last option and read the manual it came with duh!
K cuase some guy told me i had to unistall it and then reinstall the one that comes with the comp the dell somethign 3d card. So cool all i do is yank it out *make sure no wires are conected* and put in the new one. and put the drivers in.