Hey today I tried to go into EIGHT different servers and in every single one it was totally screwed. There were a bunch of other people in there also, and we had no mouse control. We could only use the keyboard, but the guns werent showing up or anything. Whats goin on!?
They did this last time too. They go gold and then give us a demo, thus all our feedback can only go towards a patch instead of the retail version. I don't understand the reasoning behind this move.
Right, but you know as well as I do that EA should of realized these dumb mistakes. They made the V1.11 patch, cuz by then, 2015 left the scene. So, they should of incorporated the same fixes from V1.11 into the damn demo, not that hard EA! I mean, jeez, give the community the resource code, we'll fix the game for you, you lazy bastards!