[quote="Sgt Stryker":1b4c5]
Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by klop
I have called a store and they told me they just got MOHAAS and it's available!!!
It's only $45 CAN or $29 US!! cool:
What store and $45?
Are they nuts? Fuck that. I'm not paying $45 bucks for an addon. Thats major ghey. I paid $45 for AA the day it came out. Why would an addon cost the same price. God thats gay.
that's $45 CANADIAN, about $30 US is the equivalent, which is cheaper that the going rate in the US ($35)[/quote:1b4c5]
yes, but as I said before, not every product is based on the US dollar. We do not take thing we buy here and multiply it by the US dollar to get the candian amount. Like my other example a $1 burger will not cost 1.40 because of the weak loonie.
And an expansion is the SP and MP addons. Most game expansions are like that. You need AA to run it so it is an expansion.