Originally Posted by Gerard
Why in the name of SUFFERING FUCK do people NEED a lame ass fucking thing like running and leaning to be any good at the game??
It just smacks of stupidity, the amount of people that say this isn't an exploit yet whine their little assess off about not being able to do it.
fuckin oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:
Ok I understand your point about the leaning and strafing, but think about it logically if you were in a fire fight (first of all you would be a camper and not a run and gun 'john wayne', which is the what happens in live combat) you would be leaning strafing jumping and ducking all at the same time to save your ass from getting hit. I understand this is a bug or glitch that some people have explioted but "WAR IS HELL"
Oh ya the binding thing, yes, you can bind keys.. but its at a server level now which is fine by me.