I think the videos r gonnna ruin the gmae. The first set of dday ones u have to see to get the jist of it then after that it is just like playing (not i say LIKE playing) but ur not in control. Well that really doesnt make sense but when u thin about it, ull know what to expect and it ruins the fun. At least for me it does. Some people it will make them want it more. That will lead to insaneness. Something to think about.
Cant sleep clowns will eat me..cant sleep clowns will eat me...cant sleep clowns will eat me.
"Bart Simpson"
Louis: Money doesnt buy happiness.
Stewie: O i beg the differ.( rings 3 bells )
3 butlers arrive.
Stewie: You, fetch me the New York Times, You 2 fight to the death!
Episode 201,peter peter caviar eater.