disappointment sets in... -
11-17-2002, 05:39 PM
I like so many others will gripe about Spearhead. Like a lot of other mappers out there who submitted their works for the contest, I was upset to see that only 3 maps made it onto the game. What happened to the 10? The 3 that made it most of us (MOHAA fans) already had. Nothing like paying for maps you already own. The other multiplayer maps have maybe 80% the quality of best custom made maps. (the texture usage in Berlin is awful). As an expansion all I wanted was more maps, skins, weapons and multiplayer options. One can't say they didn't deliver that but to take from early summer until now to produce what Spearhead is, that leaves me scratching my head. Since February I've been piecing together maps and skins I admire (for their detail and artistry) and I have far more and better materials then what I paid more for in Spearhead. The MOHAA modding community is obviously more passionate about the game then EA. I SAY LEAVE THE GAME IN THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO LOVE IT. Customization can make the game into whatever each of us wants it to be. Don't hold your breath for them anymore, all you mappers, modders and skinsmen keep up the good work and take pride in the fact the your work is probably better that what EA has made in SH.
PS There needs to be more Med. Sea region based maps, I'm tired of fighting for France.