Berlin-For those few remaining doubters, this stunt might prove Michael Jackson really is off the wall, bad and dangerous.
Jacko spooked hundreds of fans in Berlin Tuesday, as he dangled a baby over a fourth-floor balcony railing.
hake: [img][/img] hake:
Jackson, infant in arms, walked out onto the veranda to wave at the screaming crowd gathered in a downtown square below his suite at the opulent Adlon Hotel, who were hoping to sneak a peek of the reclusive King of Pop. Instead of cheering, though, the throng was notably stunned when Jackson held the barefoot child over the metal railing with one hand. The baby--who had a white towel covering his (or her) face--appeared to struggle until a grinning Jackson finally lifted the tyke back up to safety.
Tsk, tsk dont hold babys over 4-story railings. hake:
Only in American press would anyone care about a father who is holding their child wrong, and prescribe it to some manic behavior on the part of the father. He doesn't know the proper way to hold a child - who gives a shit.
Right - cause he 100% inteneded to torment and put his childs life in jeapordy just for the thrill - cause hey hes an irresponsible rockstar that can do whatever he wants.
[quote="The Coalition To Save ED!":592ae]Right - cause he 100% inteneded to torment and put his childs life in jeapordy just for the thrill - cause hey hes an irresponsible rockstar that can do whatever he wants.[/quote:592ae]
I'm sure he did'nt want to hurt his kid, that doesnt make it any less stupid. And to do in front of cameras...even dumber.