11-27-2002, 11:28 PM
From what I know from experience........I play from my comp when I host games. You have to input your IP address in the area marked for it on your autokicker. Then put your rcon password in the password section. Case sensitive. Start the autokicker before you start your game, you will see that it will respond server timed out.....that means it is working. Start your game, open the console. Type the following set rconpassword [password] choose your own password, but it must be the sameone you used on your autokicker. To make sure your password is set in the console type rcon status (For what rcon is and how to use it refer to Rudedogs guide to RCON Commands on this web page) If it comes up with your name and IP, it is working. You will get messages from autokicker if you have it set up to tell people it is BABYSITTING them. I hope this will help a little. biggrin: