Ok guys dont gripe at me if you saw this already, cause i just saw it. And some of this stuff you already know. But let me put it up anyway
This is a list of what will and will not be in the game:
1. There will be no blood, so don't gripe, it won't change. EA wants a Teen rating so they won't put blood.
2. The game is coming out in February 2002, I hear it will be February 22, 2002
3. There are 5 missions with assorted levels in each. Over 20 levels, exact number un-known.
4. The list of weapons, or what they have given us so far are:
M1 Garand
1903 Springfield Sniper Rifle
(obviously MG-42)
Colt 1911 .45
1928 Thompson M1A1 SMG
Mark II Fragmentation Grenade
Vehicles are, only what they have given us:
Stuka dive bombers
Focke-Wulfe FW 190
King Tiger Tank
M4A4 Sherman Tank
P-47 Thunderbolt
Higgins landing craft
Tiger Tanks
Pzkw V
These lists are just what the company has given us at the time, more to come.
5. 1000 unique character animations
6. Multiple Player, LAN options
7. Access to over 21 historically accurate WWII weapons.
8. Interactive vehicles, such as tanks, planes we don't know yet.
9. Disguise mode and time of day and weather effects.
10. 4 or 5 mounted Machine-guns that the player may use, on vehicles or stationary. Such as the MG-42 or the .50 calibre Allied Machinegun.
11. Also, the game has a highly destructable environment. Meaning you can blow it to bits if you want.
Hehe my cut and pasting skillz 0wnz j00 all. Again this is info i got from the offical boards
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton
B.J Blazkowicz
[This message has been edited by Capt. John Miller (edited November 24, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Capt. John Miller (edited November 24, 2001).]