MOHAA Spearhead Dedicated Server - Fire-Rate Problem -
11-28-2002, 01:02 PM
I recently successfully set up a dedicated MOHAA Spearhead Server, and it works great. I'm getting good at editing the config files and things are working. The only problem I'm having, is that when you fire an automatic gun in the game, its a little on the slow side. Not lagging, but a little slow (STG44 and Thompson). I am able to walk/run perfectly, grenades ok, VERY low ping, great video card & RAM on Server and Client. HOW DO I EDIT THE GUNRATE or WEAPONS FIRE RATE??? I've test fired with people in the room, and alone, same result. Thanks Everybody!!! Rob
Feel free to visit my dedicated server and try it out, look for:
LI Elite - Dedicated Server