Aside with the great advice from everyone else that posted i think i can help you out.
First of all, in the advanced options menu of MOHAA, i would say adjust the following settings (this works perfect on my p3 1 gig, gf 3 ti 500, 512mb RAM)
Full Entity lighting: uncheck this
Shadows: Turn this off (who the hell pays attention to them anyhow?)
Terrian detail: Turn this to high (there is almost no difference between high and max)
thats about all i can tell you, i run the game on 115x1024 (i think, not sure what comes after the 115 :-p) I dont buy ATI cards, beucase there just not compatable with anything, this could also be an issue, i know ATI just released a new driver, head on over to and you dl it. But, going along with the ATI card, check you FSAA settings...if its anything like Nvida keep them around 2-3, anything high and your gonna get chugging to the enth degree. Hope this helps