Did your server price go up for Spearhead? -
12-04-2002, 04:15 PM
I'm suprised to not see more posts about the recent increases in most game hosts server prices for Spearhead. I hear they went up 50% - 80% by most major vendors due to high CPU usage or something.
Prices are going up because SH uses more CPU power. Chickenboo can back me on this, its what his host is telling him.
So, once again EA is laughing all da way to da bank $$$.
You cant tell me none of EA's software engineers didnt know this was going to happen. Now that most are hooked on SH is any admin going to go back to AA because of this?
spearhead server prices are going to double... spearhead servers are going to be twice as much as mohaa servers...
ea has said a lot of things and NOT delivered them, but ea hasn't even said that they are going to release a patch to lower the cpu usage of dedicated servers so i'm kinda worried...
ILAN's new price list for a 20 man server
$99 for AA
$200 for SH
I'm having a big laugh at all the people complaining about the price increase.
Most of the SH servers I've visited have been set up to play just like AA.
So in the end all you have is a double priced AA server with a few new maps and a few new weapons. On top of that you get to experience the people sliding all over the place when you shot them.
I had planned to upgrade my server to SH, but without the sv_pure working for me there is no point.