Hello guys,
I'm working on a squad website for MOH:AA, and now that I know about them, for those 2 WW2 mods for Operation: Flashpoint. It is in it's infancy, and I probably shouldn't even have it available, but I'd like some feedback. Tell me what you think.
Oh yeah, I hope to post news on those games, and others that deal with WW2. I hope to have it grow into a good website to go to for information. Nothing fancy, just a good clean, page, for info, and for the squad (Which will come much, much later).
Thanks in advance, for your replies.
Btw, this is the same link that is in my sig, but I figured I'd post it here to, so as to not confuse.
34th SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Landstorm Nederland
"Meine Ehre heißt Treue"