Don't you hate it when you are looking for a specific type of game in Gamespy Arcade and you find one that you have great ping to but there's only 1 open slot left on it?
You double click the server really quickly, and then MoH:AA loads and you see the EA logo, the MoH logo, the legal info screen, the 2015 logo, and THEN you finally see the Connecting to Server confirmation.
You know what happens next. Thanks to the damn logos and legal info that kept you waiting, someone else joined before you did. Son of a bitch...
Well guess what? I've found a way to make the game connect to the server immediately without having to load the logos and legal info.
EDIT--Instead of typing out the instructions for you guys to do it yourselves (which is what I previously had typed up in this post), I decided to save you guys the trouble and just made an extra pk3 file you just stick into your game's main folder.
Just download this edited pk3 file of mine at and place it in your MOHAANetDemomain folder.
(The default folder is C:Program FilesEA GamesMOHAANetDemomain for those of you who are having trouble finding it.)
If you already have a pak7.pk3 file in there (for whatever reason), just change the 7 to an 8 or 9.
Now go join a server on Gamespy Arcade.
Loaded pretty quick eh?
You're welcome.
Now you have a much better chance of getting into a server that is almost full.
Hopefully, when the final game is out, there will be an ingame browser, and none of this extra hassel will be necessary.
Until then, enjoy.
[This message has been edited by Jesta (edited December 17, 2001).]