12-19-2001, 12:40 AM
I just got the damn thing downloaded via my 56k line. I didn't expect MP to run well and I was right, it doesn't. All I wanted to do was start up a dogs balls server and fire of a few rounds and check out the visuals.
It was worth the 16 hrs of downloading just for that. Everything of what I have seen so far is friggin awesome, I spent half an hour grining like an idot and throwing frag grenades on the ground just to watch them explode. Which I must say looks very accurate, none of this massive explosion crap you get with other games.
The gun models look sweet and sound even better. This is something im so glad that 2015 paid a lot of attention too. Nothing is worse than a poor sounding weapon, I would rather a half assed looking gun with great sounds than a brilliant looking gun and crap sounds. Even the clinking of the metal makes me hard. The weapons do look brilliant and so does the scenery.
Im buying this game wholey and souly for the SP. Any play I can get with the MP is a bonus but I don't really give a frogs fat ass if I can't play it with my connection speed. This is so much looking like it's going to be a great SP game, I just hope it's well designed, immersive and is one and half times long as RTCW.
I just can't wait for the final release, 2015 you guys fucking rule!
Happiness is a belt-fed weapon.