It'd be nice to see a few server management tools for a server-side mod, compatible with other mods, that does the following:
Auto-Kicks TK'ers when FF is on, variable FF On Modes and Ban modes, voting, and more - the Quake 3 - Q3F mod - has the best of all of these, in my opinion.
In addition to the following, Q3F allows you to turn on an Anti-Flood option to prevent text/chat spam - so if a playear repeats the text or chat in so much time it'll mute him/her for a duration.
The following is what I believe should be included in a server mod, at a minimum:
1=enable, 0=disable. Displays a warning to all players when teams become unbalanced.
Value = Integer, Default = 3. g_banRules allows you to specify the level of offense that results in a ban on your Q3F server. Values are: 0 = Dont ban for any offense, 1 = Ban only for Team Killing (and only if g_teamKillRules is set), 2 = Ban for Team Killing (if set), rate/snaps abuse (if set), dismantling team autosentries and lodCureError cheating, 3 = Ban for all offenses in 1 & 2 plus enable banning for failed Q3F CRC authentication check (hacked clients)."
0=Banning for excessive team-killing is disabled, 1=fast bans, 2=normal bans (default).
Note that the equation used for determining whether somebody is killing their team mates on purpose is fairly complex, using an entity we refer to as 'heat'. When you kill a team mate you gain 'heat', and when you kill an enemy you lose heat. If you get too hot you get banned

Essentialy this means that the occasional slaughter of a team mate is reasonable when involved in combat against the enemy team - if however a player simply kills their team mates for the sake of it (in other words to disrupt the game), then they will be banned when this CVAR is in use. We recomend the default of 2 for public servers, 0 for clan games, and 1 for servers where there have been lots of complaints about disruptive players."
Effects how much damage is done to teammates by friendly fire. Default = full, other values include: half, armor/amour, mirrorfull, mirrorhalf, and mirrorarmor. you can also clear this CVAR and disable team damage completely by setting it to 0."
1=enable map voting screen at the end of each map, 0=disable map voting screen. This CVAR will scan the server's Q3F directory for all present maps, and then select up to ten at random to display on a vote menu to all players. This function may also be used by rconers and admins by using the 'rcon mapvote' and 'admin map vote' commands."
1=team frags only displayed, 0=individual frags displayed. This setting determines the method of scoring for the server. Using Teamfrags will stop players from being able to see their own indivudual frags and *might* encourage more team-play."
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