I have a a bunch of questions, so I combined them all into one message
1. I saw a simply aw3esome video of the game (storming Normandy) and I was just wondering if it's the same every time. Like will certain people die every time, certain explosions happen, etc.
2. I'm really sick of games that attempt to have AI allies, but in fact you end up doing all the work and they never kill any enemies. In MohAA will allied soldiers actually make it through the mission alive, and actually KILL enemies? I mean, are they more then just scenery?
3. Is multiplayer going to be supported? If so, how many people? Can we do like a huge 25 v 25 on the Normandy map, the germans defending from the bunkers and the allies working up the beach?
4. Map editor? Please!
Thanks for answering my questions!
[This message has been edited by jas142 (edited December 27, 2001).]