Help -
01-08-2003, 05:28 AM
is it possible to use the kp_keys for moving ??
i binded these in my custom.cfg
bind kp_uparrow "+forward"
bind kp_5 "+back"
bind kp_leftarrow "+moveleft"
bind kp_rightarrow "+moveright"
bind kp_pgdn "+leanright"
bind kp_end "+leanleft"
bind kp_del "+speed"
bind kp_pgup "+movedown"
bind kp_home "+moveup"
i exec the custom.cfg
but then i cant move
i went to options controlls and saw
that those kp_keys where now changed to num 1 to 9 keys,
so i changed all the kp binds to num . and still no results.
So what am i doing wrong here ??
or is it just not possible