411 on clan sks -
01-04-2003, 03:51 AM
alright folks heres the thing if you want to know why the clan sucks so much then just ask me I know all the founding fathers/members....meaning unfortunatly i live in the same town as them....
I have tried and tried again to write this post....and to be honest i keep refering to how much a loser some of the members are....
so before i start freaking out and screaming about how much i want to kill them...(again)...the point of the GAME is to have FUN you cant have FUN if people are arguing on how much a weapon sucks beacuse it is powerful....if you stop and think the smg or machine gun is worse than anything because if your using rockets you have to be standing still...shottys take FOREVER to reload and it is a close range weapon...just try to remember we are playing a GAME...