Tactics ([b]the dumb things people do[/b]) -
01-07-2003, 04:07 AM
ok im not saying i a milatiry gineuss or anything but my god some of the people i play with well there dumb as a post (you know wood thing coming out of ground)
#1Smoke grenades PPL seem to think they should throgh them at the enemy so the enemy cant see them WRONG All this dose is make it harder for you to see the enemy as they exit the smoke. IE the farther you are from the smoke the longer it takes for the grapics card to catch up, so if your in the smoke coming out of it you see the caster but he cant see you for a good second longer & if you have a lower ping than the caster well you get the picture!!!
HOW best to use smoke grenades from my own view (& yes i used to throgh them at the enemy also, for about a day of playing then my brain kicked in!!)
There's a corner that the enemy will come around in say 30sec.
throw smoke away from you & the enemy 90% of the time thell asume your heading to the smoke & move toward it also walking blindly around the corner in front of you DOH bang bang you get them
casting smoke on your location can work at times but grenades are the easy way for the enemy to see if your there, castingsmoke away from you in most cases will draw fire to the smoke if they dont see the trail from your position
& give you a 1 up on them ( i never drop smoke on my position any more, but i kill lots of enemy that throgh grenades into my smoke revealing them selfs with the thrown grenade!!!!
#2 Now this is more of a personal gripe that if anything has made me a better player by making me work harder to servive the dumb dumb's that are on my side (were talking open game server's here not clan mates)
If im heading toward a group of enemy(I can clearly hear enemy fire from that direction EVERYONE & I mean EVERYONE from my team will sudenly go the other way after of coures I walk in to the entire enemy team by my self(rarely servive but i take a few with me)on the other hand on say holland
in the corner mid map ill hide there with kar98 (love bolt actions I almost Never use scopeed rifle)pop pop pop I drop 10-20 allied players as they run across open plazza they dont have a clue were I am but after a some time one of my team mates like clock work will come stand next to me, Not under cover but next to me in the open not even trying to hide & of coures a grenade is the next thing to viset me or 3 - or more allied soldiers charging me all at once & of course not one of my team is around because they now all went the other way(man if this stuff happens in real life & I servived you better belive the crew that left me wouldnt
#3 Friendly fire servers To all those dig dongs out there that like to TK
well watch out i will only warn once then you are my target my only target there are quit a few guy's that used to do this on mohAA but they learned quikly to watch out for me I would turn everyone on the server against them we would only kill the TKer dosnt happen mutch anymore but still U.B. is watching