dowloading maps off the server -
01-12-2003, 12:44 PM
Ok i remember awhile back that someone had made a rcon guide in it they had some sort of thing you type in the console that gave a yes or no to whether or not someone could download the map they dont have right off the server. In regular mohaa this didnt seem to work either way you put it. Im just curious does anyone know if it works in spearhead? And if it did what it was?
What he said. This was a command found in Quake 3 & Jedi Outcast called "Allow Download", which allowed you to dload maps from another server that you needed to play with. Unfortuneatly, it was scrapped from MOH, but the command still remained.
What he said. This was a command found in Quake 3 & Jedi Outcast called "Allow Download", which allowed you to dload maps from another server that you needed to play with. Unfortuneatly, it was scrapped from MOH, but the command still remained.[/quote:9bce2]Hmmmm, this info might help me in eliminating cvars to make room for the map/mod cvars. Thnx, Joe!!