Newbie question plz help!!! -
01-16-2003, 09:25 AM
Hi! Im hoping that one of you can help me out. I`ve been trying to texture a patch mesh (a road to be precise) but for some reason everytime i go and move the texture (by the same way i do with everyother brush) it doesnt work. Any1 know wat im doing wrong?....Plz help!!
hi j_v. when i press p and goto change the settings i lose all visibility of the texture and just get 1 plain colour. is this a known fault or am i doing sumin wrong. thnx for your help m8.
but wat i mean is that everytime i press one of those buttons the texture doesnt move like it does if your doing it on a normal brush, it actually dissapears and turns into a plain white texture. do you understand wat i mean m8? oh btw thnx for all the help u and storm has given me ure both stars