01-15-2003, 04:56 PM
i cannot see any looks on that page...but i love the medic suit
this was the real eugene roe
his photo with a letter to his fiancee
Luitenant Foley about him :
Eugene Roe at Bergtesgaden 'He was there when he was needed, and how he got 'there' you often wondered. He never received recognition for his bravery, his heroic servicing of the wounded. I recommended him for a Silver Star after a devastating firefight when his exploits were typically outstanding….. if any man who struggled in the snow and the cold, in the many attacks through the open en through the woods,
ever deserved such a medal, it was our medic, Gene Roe'.
In 1998 he got cancer...he wasnt able to visit saving private ryan in the cinema.
this site is dedicated to the doc