Do you need a place to test your map in Multiplayer Mode?
For a short while as the founder of Raven's Raiders, I have decided to let Map Makers who have finished maps and need a place to test them with multiply players test them on our Enduring Freedom Server.
We have a 14 slot dedicated Mohaa server with good pings on the East Coast of United States and can test your roundbased or objective based map.
Why I am offering to help? I myself have recently gotten into mapping and it is great to have a place to test maps with multiply players. Also as of late our server is not in use much and paid up in full for sometime.
Our webpage can offer a place for players to download map and play on the server on your map for a few hours or even a few days.
So get your finished maps and a few friends and head on over to the Enduring Freedom Server and see how those fps and pings are on your custom maps.
For those interested I can be reached at