Originally Posted by Strik0r
you've posted before? oOo:
but i agree with zoner, let's bomb the stubfucks already i'm getting impatient
Yeah, we had a thread about this a week or two ago. Right now, Bush is getting his war doctrines approved by the capital, and all those higher-ups. Then, he's going to meet with the Secretary of the Army, Colin Powell, sopposevly Schwartznakoff (however you spell his name) and his leading military intelligence General, whomever that is to discuss how they are going to carry out their actions.
While these preperations are being made, US troops are rallying in Kuwait, Turkey, and the boarders of Israel. Right now, we have about 125,000 troops in the Middle East awaiting orders. Bush wants 250,000 by the 2nd week of Febuary. He plans a strike within the third week, or the beginning of March. This war won't be as short as the one in 1991, it will go on for a few months maybe until another agreement is reached. I doubt they'll take out Saddam.