I sent the following message to EA.COM Support, Fileshack.com, Fileplanet.com, 3dGamers.com, and filefront.com. If anyone can think of any other provider I should attempt to contact, please let me know:
[quote:2649a]This message would be directed to someone in Public Relations with Electronic Arts & their "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault" franchise.
To whom it may concern,
Good afternoon! I am writing you today in question with the release of the newest "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead" Patch & SDK (Software Developement Kit). As a concerned gamer, extremist fan of the MOH game series, and commumity representive, I was curious to see if there way any way I could obtain information about either of the upcoming files. From what we are told from our EA representive Chris Sheldon, the files were to be due for release sometime this week. We have not recieved any word from Chris for almost three weeks now.
All I am really in search for is some basic answers that the community has been asking us: When can we expect both the patch & SDK to release, and what are the key features of both packages? If you are required to know, I am a well known member of the MOH community, helping to produce some anti-cheat mods for server administrators, and also a chat filter to block out obsenities from game-chat. I am also a moderator for the public phpBB forums at
http://www.alliedassault.com, and a web administrator for the website
If you could provide me with any information that you, your staff, or anyone I could contact to retrieve this information, please respond ASAP. I appriciate your time in reading this email, and I hope you have a pleasant day!
~Nick "Bazooka_Joe" Raymond