As I'm sure you all know the SP demo was leaked out. The Official version is due out on Jan 8th, so I've read. Any complaints I may make could possible be resolved with the official version. Having said that here is my review of it.
My computer Specs:
Athlon 500; 256MB RAM; GeForce 2 Pro, SB Live.
- Enemy AI was ok. It was strong in some situations and stupid in others. They run away from grenades. Kool.
- Friendly AI was much better. One soldier dived ona gernade to protect the rest of us. Awesome

- The animations were really good. I recall seeing guys get hit and get disoriented for like 10-20 sec and then they start to shoot back again. One guy was on the ground and after like 20 sec he started to get back up and one of my guys took care of him.
- The Sounds are Great.
- There are lots of enemies to shoot at.
- LAG. Yes LAG, Choppyness, whatever you want to call it. I set everything on High and put my resolution at 800x600 and the game is unplayable. I've played Max Payne and B17 II with better results. I can only play this game with everything at low to mid and the resolution at 640x480. So I have fun but it looks like shit.
- Enemy spawning points could be more hidden so that it would give you the impression that they came from around the corner. Right now about 30% of them spawn right next to the road in clear view. It takes away from the immersion.
- The Fog of war is way too close.
Can't think of anything else right now. Looking forward to the official SP Demo.
-Killaman (NILL)