02-05-2003, 01:40 AM
Go to your windows explorer, surf to the pak01.pk3 file, click right button, select, open in... (or is the english version "open with") and you should have a list of applications. Browse it through and select the pkspace for pk3 files. Check the box "open always". Thats for the start.
Im sure ull find tutorials @ aa.com. Take a look @ modtheater.com too.
Take copies of those files you are going to mod. Put in yourmods folder or what ever place. Open them in psp and start skinnig. Save your work several times and with different names so can step back if you end up troubles.
Finally its the scripting part and making your own .pk3 file. For that purpose its easiest to browse one of the mods files by some1 that deals with the same thing you are modding (ie scope, player skin). Go through those .tiks and .shaders and make ones for your self.