Originally Posted by LoneGunner87
So basicly sega got blown away by sony and its ps2.
Blown away by bullshit and idiots believeing it. Sony is all talk and no action or all fart and no shite i guess.
I remember the ps2 launch in america there was some fatass on tv in america thanking "the lord" her son got a ps2. eek:
At that point i threw the remote at the tv.
Sony is so ful of balls its amazing and people just lap it up. They conveniently had a supposed "ps2 shortage" for the american release, this was nothing more than a sad marketing tactic to spark a buying frenzy of drooling retards.
Its been said before and it can be said again, for all sonys hype they have yet to produce even ONE game that couldn;t have been done on the dreamcast.
Most ps2 games are crawling with crap blurry textures, aliased graphics and just look shit. From what vie read most games could be made in a far quicker time on the dream cast using less people. The ps2 has an ass backward coding system and is literally a pain in the ass to code for. Yet developers flock to it just to suck some ass.